Saturday, October 16, 2021

Microwaved Beets

Originally posted by:

Beets are way better fresh, and roasting beets can be a pretty involved, time-intensive process. Microwaving yields perfect, fork-tender beets in a fraction of the time as the oven.

1. Trim off greens. 
2. Scrub beets with brush or scouring pad to remove all dirt. 
3. If the are smaller, then they can be cooked while. Otherwise, quarter up the beets. 
4. Pierce beets with knife to allow steam to release. 
5. Wrap/cover beets in parchment paper to keep moist.
6. Microwave until tender. 
7. Peel if needed. 

Hot Mama Grade: A 

Hot Mama Notes: Delicious and easy! I did not need to peel. There was almost no own and I scrubbed them well. I did cube them to cut down on cooking time because they were quite large (medium sized, really, but not small). I put them face down on the plated, and covered them with parchment paper and then the microwave cover. I cooked them 6 minutes, and then 6 more because they were still hard after the first six minutes. After 12 minutes, beet perfection!! :D

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