Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Hazelnut Fudge

Originally from:Husbands that Cook Cookbook

Hot Mama Grade: B

Hot Mama Notes: I need to remember 2 things when making fudge. 1. Fudge is a ton of work!! 2. I don't even like fudge that much.  Sigh. Plus, even though I was being careful, I was not careful enough. I was tired and instead of putting 2/3 c evaporated milk in the pan, I put the full 12 Oz can. Oops. :/ so then I was scrambling to double all the other ingredients to salvage the fudge. Also, I hate candy thermometers, incessant stirring, and the heat! :(. I had a taste test, and it seems OK. But I swear. Never again! It's just not worth it!! 

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