Saturday, March 30, 2019

Fabulous Chocolate Waffles

Originally from: my Cookbook

1/3 c Cocoa Powder
1/3 c Sugar
3 c Flour
1t Vanilla
2 Eggs, Separated
1T Baking Powder
1.5c Milk
1/2 c Vegetable Oil

Put dry ingredients into a bowl.  Heat waffle iron.  Put wet ingredients and egg yolks into a bowl and mix well.  Whip up egg whites.  Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients, do not overmix.  Then gently fold in the whipped egg whites.  Put in waffle iron.  Voila!

Hot Mama Grade: A+!

Hot Mama Notes: These chocolate waffles are unbelievably good.  You should go make them.  Right now.  Seriously, SO GOOD.  We eat them with sour cream sweetened with sugar, or with maple syrup.  But they are good even plain.  That's how good they are.  YUM!  I make this recipe as a double batch almost every weekend, and then we freeze the leftovers for weekday breakfasts. :)

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