Saturday, September 26, 2015

Buttermilk Pancakes

From: Katie Gilchrist Schaeffer, on Facebook


2c Flour
2t Baking Powder
2t Baking Soda
2T Sugar
2 Eggs
2c Buttermilk
2T Butter, melted
1T Vanilla
Pinch of Salt
~1c Milk Chocolate Chips, if desired.


Beat eggs in bowl.  Add buttermilk and mix slightly.  Add all ingredients except flour.  Mix until just blended.  Add flour.  Do not overmix.  Mix in chocolate chips.  

Hot Mama Notes:  This is a very meaty pancake recipe.  It's more dense/heavy than it is light and fluffy.  It is a big hit with our family, and we make it often.  :)  YUM!

Hot Mama Grade: A 

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