Sunday, May 17, 2015

Pesto (Or Not) Brie Dip

Hot Mama Notes: The recipe above is what I used as the basis for my Brie dip.  The problem was that I had no green onions (I substituted fresh garlic chives from my garden!) and no pesto (I omitted it altogether, but in hindsight, I should have chopped up a few fresh basil leaves from my garden.) and no plum tomato (I used 5 cherry/grape tomatoes from my garden).  I also did not have 1 lb of Brie.  I had 2 wedges.  Still, I followed the directions as given, and my Brie turned out AWESOME!!!!  Mine might have been cooked a little longer.  The cheese was pretty much completely melted.  But, no matter, it tasted AWESOME!!!  I served it with a loaf of crusty white bread (french and italian) that I cut in half to make the pieces smaller and thus "bite size". :)  I will definitely make this again, though Brie is SUPER expensive.  $5 for each wedge.  They were given to me, so I didn't feel the pain.  I used a tiny (5"x7"x1") glass baking dish in our small oven.

Hot Mama Grade: A

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