Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Healthy Pancakes with Oats & Cottage Cheese

6  egg whites
1c Cottage Cheese
1c Oats

1t  Vanilla
Maple Syrup
1 scoop Vanilla Protein Powder
Chocolate Chips

Put all required ingredients and any optional ingredients into the blender and mix well.  Cook on griddle as you would any pancake.

HotMama Notes: I used my Blendtec blender with the "batter" cycle.  For options, I chose to use 1t vanilla, 1T maple syrup and 1/2 scoop of vanilla protein powder (Jay Robb brand).  I added some chocolate chips after the first round of four cooked.  I wanted to see what they tasted like plain.  They were good, and the kids liked them, but they do not have the loft that you would normally get from a flour/egg/baking soda or powder pancake recipe.  Grade: B+

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