Tuesday, August 17, 2021

North Carolina Pork

Hot Mama Grade: B-

Hot Mama Notes: This recipe is uninspiring. I tried the sauce and really it is like cooking your meat in vinegar. Surprisingly, my middle kid really liked it. I guess he likes vinegar!! Very strange. One day I will find a recipe for bbq sauce that is amazing. But not today! The sauce, while shown in the photo as regular, viscous bbq sauce, in reality is vinegar with a bit of ketchup and spices and sugar in it. I will not be making this again. I'm thankful that 1. I only made a half batch of sauce (my pork loin was only 2ish lbs), and 2. That I used the full 16 oz of chicken broth to water down the vinegar in the slow cooker. Otherwise it might have tasted even more vinegary! :/. The book lies. It makes me not want to try other recipes in it!! 

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