Monday, September 7, 2020

Hazelnut Brownies

From: Moosewood Dessert Cookbook 

Hot Mama Grade: C
Hot Mama Notes: I have to say that I am mightily disappointed by this recipe. I love chocolate. I love hazelnuts. I love chocolate and hazelnuts together. But this recipe was a lot of work (which I didn't mind), but it didn't deliver. :(. It was very dense. A bit too much dark chocolate for me. The roasted hazelnuts were delicious. And they ground up nicely in my blendtec. I wasn't sure they would. And the trick with rubbing the nuts on the towel to get the skins off worked like a charm. I will not make this again. It didn't really taste like Brownies, but rather like a chocolate bar or almost fudge. 

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