Friday, April 28, 2017

Lisa's Fabulous Fudge Brownies


1.75 c Flour, all purpose
0.5 t  Salt
2 sticks butter, unsalted, diced
2 c Sugar
0.4 c brewed coffee or water
11 oz semisweet (or bittersweet) chocolate, broken up or coarsely chopped
2 oz unsweetened chocolate, broken up or coarsely chopped
1 T Vanilla Extract
4 large eggs
2 c chopped walnuts, optional


Hot Mama Grade: A

Hot Mama Notes: I haven't made this recipe yet, but my friend Lisa made them for our potluck.  And they were FANTASTIC!  I can't wait to make this recipe myself!  I usually prefer easier recipes, but I am willing to work harder for these delicious brownies! :)

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