Thursday, December 8, 2016


Originally from: Better Homes & Gardens Cookbook


1.5 c Milk
1 c flour
2 eggs
1 T cooking oil
2 T sugar (omit if you do not want sweet crepes. I always use sugar, though.  )
1 t vanilla
Preheat nonstick frying pan. Put heat on just less than halfway. Crack eggs and whisk. Add milk, oil and vanilla, whisk. Add sugar, whisk. Add flour, whisk. Just before you are ready to make the first crepe, spray the pan with nonstick cooking spray. The easiest way to do this without making a big mess, is to take the pan over to your sink, and spray the pan over the sink. Add 3 T of batter to the pan. Twirl pan around to spread batter around the bottom of the pan. Cook the crepe on the just less than medium heat. It takes only 2ish minutes to cook a crepe. You can tell they are cooked when the top turns from shiny wet to matte. DO NOT FLIP. Use a spatula to loosen a bit of the crepe from the pan, and then dump the crepe out of the pan by turning the pan upside down over the plate. Voila! Super yumminess!!! 

Hot Mama Grade: A+

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