Monday, November 18, 2013

Apple Pie


5-6  cups of small green apples, from a friend's tree in Payson, AZ
3/4  cup sugar
1/4  cup brown sugar
3T   cornstarch


Barb's Butter Crust Recipe is shown in this post:

Hot Mama Notes: This pie turned out AWESOME!!!  Next time, I think I will use 1/2 c brown sugar and 1/4 c white sugar for the filling.  But, yum yum yum.  The pie crust was perfect: flakey and sweet.  I actually made two pies using this recipe, and they both turned out great.  :)  I got lots and lots of compliments.  They were very tasty, and only last a few days before being DEVOURED.  The best compliment, really.  My grade: A.

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