Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Fresh Peach Pie

Original Recipe from the Book: The Lost Art of Pie-Making by Barbara Swell, see cover image below.

 My Magnificent Pie, straight out of the oven.

Hot Mama Notes: 

I used the butter crust, "Barb's Butter Crust".  I have a fondness for butter, and I have had much success in the past using a savory butter crust for quiches and pot pies.  I do hear that shortening crusts are great, but it's hard to mess with a good thing.  And shortening creeps me out, whereas butter does not!  This crust is not as easy to work with as the previous crust I used (a bit sticky), but it was doable.  I highly recommend the use of a pasty cutter.  A very useful tool.  I refrigerated my crust dough for about 30 minutes.  I think next time I will try overnight.

I opted for the recommended amount of sugar (3/4 cup) in the filling.  I did not want the filling overly sweet, and these were home-grown peaches, fresh off the tree a few days before.  They were delicious and sweet raw, I didn't need to add much sugar.  I am not sure if I have ever had peach pie before, but I will say that the filling in this pie tasted very much like canned peaches.  I am not sure if that is the consistency and flavor that peach pie filling is supposed to take on, but it was good.  The crust was phenomenal.  :)  I used 5 cups of peaches.  Also, I did brush the top crust with heavy whipping cream (since I happened to have some), and sprinkled granulated white sugar on top of it.  This made the pie very beautiful.  I covered up the edges with foil about 20 or 30 minutes in.  The pie took quite a long time to bake.  I kept baking it until the top pie crust no longer looked like raw dough, but rather like a golden brown pie crust.  :)

Overall Grade: B+ 
(Crust Grade: A)
(Filling Grade: B)

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